Pastors Scott and Sandy Boyd bring years of ministry experience to River of Life. Pastor Scott has served in various ministry roles since 1996. He has Pastored River of Life with his wife Sandy for over 18 years. Pastor Scott has both a strong teaching ministry, and a strong anointing for altar ministry. There have been several testimonies of healings, deliverances, and baptisms in the Holy Spirit during their tenure in River of Life. They have a passion for God's presence, discipleship, and the church being a warm loving family.
Faith is the cornerstone of our church. God is a God of the miraculous. We believe for book of Acts Christianity today.
We look to the Lord for guidance in our lives. God's infallible Word brings life, encouragement, and direction in our lives. It is our anchor.
The presence and power of the Holy Spirit is what brings life and health to the whole church. We desire God's manifest presence in every meeting.
Youth Pastor's Stephen and Brianna Walton have had years of experience ministering to young people. They have a passion to see teens on-fire for God growing in God's Word and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. They have personally experienced the fires of revival, and they desire to see those fires burning in the hearts of this next generation.
The children's department is so powerful and effective. River of Life has a passion for Children personally knowing Jesus and being discipled in his word.
A Little About our Foundation
River of Life was birthed in the fires of revival. Pastor Scott was mightily touched in a life-altering way during the 90's revivals. In 2003 Pastor Scott had the honor of having Steve Hill as a spiritual covering. Steve laid hands on him and sent Pastor Scott to represent him in the east part of the DFW metroplex. This birthed a powerful evangelistic revival ministry. As the years went on, it became increasingly evident that this street ministry needed to become a church of its own. From its inception, River of Life has always been a church with a heart for souls and a passion for God's presence. Pastor Scott has a strong calling to teach and disciple. In this last day revival, River of Life will continue to pursue the fires of revival and an end time harvest of souls.